パスワードについてのお問い合わせは、info@tobogganz.comまでご連絡ください。 Please contact info@tobogganz.com for the password.
ドゥ・ラ・メール(DE LA MER)の新商品シートマスクのWeb限定スペシャルムービー。COMMONDEERプロデュース。トボガンは現地プロダクションとして参加。東京を舞台に、商品と旅する女性の瑞々しさを表現するために、撮影は都内12箇所を3日間で敢行。監督はベルリン国際映画祭などで受賞歴のあるAce Norton。映画『芳華 -Youth-』で注目の高まる新人女優Zhong Chuxiを起用。
Producer: Lars Ruch, Micah Ross, Kaz Shinagawa & Teru Haruta
Director: Ace Norton
Director of Photography: Alexander Alexandrov
A Web-only special movie for De La Mer’s new aesthetic face pack. Toboggan Inc. worked as the local production company for COMMONDEER. The video filmed 12 Tokyo locations in 3 days in order to showcase a youthful woman traveling with the product throughout the metropolis. The director is the acclaimed Ace Norton, whose awards include recognition at the Berlin International Film Festival. The actress is the rising Chinese talent Zhong Chuxi, known for her appearance in the film Youth (2017).
Please contact info@tobogganz.com for the password.
ドゥ・ラ・メール(DE LA MER)の新商品シートマスクのWeb限定スペシャルムービー。COMMONDEERプロデュース。
A Web-only special movie for De La Mer’s new aesthetic face pack. Toboggan Inc. worked as the local production company for COMMONDEER. The video filmed 12 Tokyo locations in 3 days in order to showcase a youthful woman traveling with the product throughout the metropolis. The director is the acclaimed Ace Norton, whose awards include recognition at the Berlin International Film Festival. The actress is the rising Chinese talent Zhong Chuxi, known for her appearance in the film Youth (2017).
Producer: Lars Ruch, Micah Ross, Kaz Shinagawa & Teru Haruta
Director: Ace Norton
Director of Photography: Alexander Alexandrov